Институт Петра Великого

English version

Peter the Great Institute

Peter the Great Istitute activities and its “In the Steps of Peter the Great” Programme are aimed at the petrine epoch complex research; cultural intergration of russian and european regions, connected with the name and acivities of Peter the Great; broadening of Russian and European cultural and scientific institutions collaboration.

The International Peter the Great Congresses being the Programme key events are held each year in St Petersburg at about the anniversary of Peter’s birth. Their aim is to foster comprehensive study of the Petrine epoch and its legacy, to focus attention on problems of the preservation of Petrine monuments, and to broaden cooperation between Russian and European cultural, scholarly and educational institutions.

Among the most important Programme activities is creating “The List of  Peter the Great Landmarks”. Petrine epoch was full of events and left a considerable amount of various relics and monuments. By nowadays many of them have been partly or completely lost, others are used barbarously or even sink into oblivion. In such a situation scientific documenting remained objects of cultural heritage proves to be extremely important. In 2009 Peter the Great Institute (St Petersburg) initiated work on retrieval, research, systematization and cataloging of Peter the Great landmarks and cultural heritage artefacts in Russia and Europe. Such a list is being created for the first time. Specialists from big cities and small towns are involved in the project. More than 1000 objects of cultural heritage have been already researched. Every object description includes its name, location, type and preservation status, specifications, historical and cultural reference, bibliography and chronography, and also photos and pictures. “The List of  Peter the Great Landmarks” project’s objectives and goals are: to immortalize names and deeds of Peter the Great and his associates, to assist preservation of material heritage of Petrine epoch, to  draw Peter the Great heritage  into the cultural tourism routs.

The Programme partners are the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the Committee of Culture of St Petersburg, the State Hermitage Museum, the Peterhof State National Park Museum, the St Petersburg History Museum, the St Petersburg Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Institute of Cultural Programmes, the Dmitry Likhachev Foundation.


St Petersburg, Russia

Tel.: +7 812 405 69 61


© Институт культурных программ
© Международный благотворительный фонд имени Д. С. Лихачева
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E-mail: info@instpeter.ru